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DARPA’s Origins and Facebook

The Weird DARPA/Facebook “Coincidence” You Never Heard About





“DARPA’s mandate, as was instructed to Congress when DARPA was created in 1958, was “to create vast weapon systems of the future” that was its job. – Annie Jacobson

It’s critically important to understand the origins of DARPA to understand how Facebook can be utilized as a weapon and why.

DARPA’s origin is Operation Paperclip which imported the Nazi war machine here and understanding the history of censorship in Nazi Germany will help you understand much.

“We stayed in Berlin another month able neither to work nor to leave; until eventually our companies agreed to send substitutes for us who, in Nazi eyes, would serve as hostages against our talking…..

a dangerous diet of people in any totalitarian country where news is twisted or kept from them..

But while the Propaganda Ministry and the Gestapo were straining their every resource to keep the new developments from ears and eyes of the outside world, unmistakable admissions of their existence were blurted out by none other than—Adolf Hitler himself! Speaking to party comrades on November 8, 1941, Hitler, for the first time mentioned the existence of opposition to him inside Germany. The Fuehrer said: “Should anyone among us seriously hope to be able to disturb our front—it makes no difference where he comes from or to which camp he belongs—I will keep an eye on him for a certain period of probation. You know my methods. The is always the period of probation. But then there comes a moment when I strike like lightening and eliminate that kind of thing.” The Fuehrer then stated that the Nazi organization “reaches into every house and zealously keeps watch that there shall never be another November, 1918.”

Since 1933, opposition to Hitler inside Germany had been a strict “unmentionable” for party speakers and even the Fuehrer himself. The deviation, at this particular time, was significant.” – The Last Train From Berlin by Howard K. Smith, 1942.

“Many scientists, from rocket pioneer Dr. Wernher von Braun to former Gestapo chief Klaus Barbie, the “Butcher of Lyon,” entered the country under the aegis of Operation Paperclip.” – Medical Apartheid by Harriet A. Washington (Fellow in ethics at Harvard Medical School and a fellow at the Harvard School of Public Health.) Page 229

“DARPA’s mandate, as was instructed to Congress when DARPA was created in 1958, was “to create vast weapon systems of the future” that was its job.

And FB enables them to reach into every single home and zealously keep watch that there will never be another November, 1918.

“And so in capitalist society we have a democracy that is curtailed, wretched, false, a democracy only for the rich, for the minority. The dictatorship of the proletariat, the period of transition to communism, will for the first time create democracy for the people, for the majority, along with the necessary suppression of the exploiters, of the minority.” – Vladimir Lenin – State and Revolution (1917)

It’s important to understand how the Nazi war machine was imported. The entire model was imported through Operation Paperclip and expanded.

“Also in the first three months of the CIA’s existence, the National Security Council issued Directive No. 3, dealing specifically with the “production of intelligence and the coordination of intelligence activities within the intelligence community.” The National Security Council wanted to know who was producing what intelligence and how that information was being coordinated among agencies. In the opinion of the CIA, “the link between scientific planning and military research on a national scale did not hitherto exist.” The result was the creation of the Scientific Intelligence Committee (SIC), chaired by the CIA and with members from the army, the navy, the air force, the State Department, and the Atomic Energy Commission. “Very early in its existence the SIC undertook to define scientific intelligence, delineate areas of particular interest and establish committees to handle these areas,” wrote SIC chairman Dr. Karl Weber, in a CIA monograph that remained classified until September 2008. “Priority was accorded to atomic energy, biological warfare, chemical warfare, electronic warfare, guided missiles, aircraft, undersea warfare and medicine” —every area involving Operation Paperclip scientists. Each scientific intelligence subcommittees were created, one for each area of warfare.” – Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program That Brought Nazi Scientists to America by Annie Jacobson (Page 315)


The Pentagon’s Brain is far more deranged than any mass shooter covered by US network news. They’ve been slaughtering millions since Operation Paperclip brought over the ruling class Nazis responsible for WWII.

DARPA is the Pentagon’s Brain. “DARPA’s mandate, as was instructed to Congress when DARPA was created in 1958, was “to create vast weapon systems of the future” that was its job. Got that and those weapons are to be used on the working class. The ruling class profit by destroying this nation’s health. Agent Orange was DARPA’s first project, by the way.

Origins of DARPA are rooted in Nazi Germany. Operation Paperclip by Annie Jacobson covers its origins.

DARPA and the CIA work hand in glove.

The Pulitzer Finalist in History
The Pentagon’s Brain: An Uncensored History of DARPA, America’s Top Secret Military Research Agency by Annie Jacobson covers the psychopathic requirement of the Pentagon and they are at helm controlling both domestic and foreign policy.

“One month after the Soviet atomic bomb test, the General Advisory Committee (GAC) of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission—an elite group of nuclear scientists—convened, in secret, to identify whether or not the United States should pursue a crash program to build the hydrogen bomb. The chairman of this committee was J. Robert Oppenheimer, the former scientific director of the Manhattan Project and a man known as the father of the atomic bomb. In “unanimous opposition,” the scientists agreed that the United States should not move forward with the hydrogen bomb, and they stated so in no uncertain terms. The reasons were uncomplicated, they said. “It is clear that the use of this weapon would bring about the destruction of innumerable human lives,” they wrote. “Its use would involve a decision to slaughter a vast number of civilians.” Tens of thousands of people had been killed in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; a hydrogen bomb was a weapon with a built-in “policy of exterminating civilian populations,” the GAC members warned….

Four months after Castle Bravo, the General Advisory Committee met in Los Alamos for classified discussions about how to move forward with the hydrogen bomb. The majority of these men were the same ones who had opposed the creation of a super bomb just four and a half years before. One person missing was Robert Oppenheimer. He had been stripped of his security clearance, on the grounds that he was a communist, and banished from government service for life. Oppenheimer’s forced exile sent a strong message for defense scientists. There was little room for dissent, and certainly not for objection on moral grounds. Gone was any further discussion of ethics, or of the fact that the super bomb was a dangerous machine. The hydrogen bomb was part of the U.S. military arsenal now.

pages 21- 22 and 25

“Castle Bravo had been built according to the “Teller-Ulam” scheme—named for its designers, Edward Teller and Stanislaw-Ulam—which meant, unlike with the far less powerful atomic bomb, this hydrogen bomb had been designed to hold itself together for an extra hundred-millionth of a second, thereby allowing its hydrogen isotopes to fuse and create a chain reaction of nuclear energy, called fusion, producing a potentially infinite amount of power, or yield. “What this meant,” Freedman explains, was that there was “a one-in-a-million chance that, given how much hydrogen [is] in the earth’s atmosphere, when Castle Bravo exploded, it could catch the earth’s atmosphere on fire. Some scientists were extremely nervous. page 14

“The mushroom cloud should have been fifteen [or] twenty miles wide at this point. Instead it was forty,” Freedman explains. “As the cloud kept growing behind me, I could see in the faces of [some] of the scientists thought the atmosphere was catching on fire. The look said, ’This is the end of the world.”

Time passed. Freedman stared at the horrified scientists. Then, finally, the rapid expansion of the mushroom cloud began to slow. To Freedman’s eye, the scientists’ expression of intense terror and despair suddenly lifted and was gone. “The look on their faces went from fear to satisfaction.” Freedman recalls. “The world didn’t end and they were triumphant. Self-satisfied with what they had accomplished. With what they had done.

“Within sixty seconds, the top of the mushroom cloud reached fifty thousand feet, roughly twice as high as commercial airplanes flew back then. Its cap would eventually grow to an astounding seventy miles across. The cloud’s colossal stem was sucking millions of tons of pulverized coral up from the ocean and into the atmosphere, where it would be dispensed into the jet stream as radioactive dust. The remains would leave a footprint of fallout on every corner of earth.” – page 16

(They made bets on whether all life on the planet would be killed prior to its detonation.)

“During World War II, when his only daughter was a little girl, John von Neumann helped decide which Japanese civilian population would be targeted for atomic bombing. But far more revealing is that it was von Neumann who performed the precise calculations that determined at what altitude over Hiroshima and Nagasaki the atomic bombs had to explode in order to achieve the maximum kill rate of civilians on the ground. He determined the height to be 1,800 feet.” – The Pentagon’s Brain. page 30

Keep in mind that that the DOD continues to be the only unauditable federal department, and expenditures amounting (over the years) into TRILLIONS of dollars remain unaccounted for…. and none of the above will ever show up on your TVs.

The Pentagon Can’t Account for $21 Trillion

The Pentagon Can’t Account for $21 Trillion (That’s Not a Typo)

Annie Jacobson’s talk on her book, “The Pentagon’s Brain: An Uncensored History of DARPA, America’s Top Secret Military Research Agency.”




Annie Jacobsen’s talk on her book, “Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program That Brought Nazi Scientists to America.”



Israel is at the center of NATO’s munition technologies. As apartheid strengthens in Israel, so too will this.

500 Palestinians arrested by Israel over Facebook posts.

GAZA, PALESTINOW.COM — Israel arrested 500 Palestinians, including women, children and MPs, over their social media posts, the Palestine Center for Prisoners Studies reported.

The center’s spokesman Riyadh Al-Ashqar said that the Israeli authorities began arresting Palestinians for their social media posts since the start of the Jerusalem Intifada claiming such uploads incite terror against Israel.

Israel is using its recently formed “Cyber Unit” to monitor Palestinian social media posts, he said.

This unit, Al-Ashqar said, classifies any Facebook post that glorifies Palestinian martyrs, discloses Israeli crimes, and supports resistance as “incitement of terror”.

Hundreds of Palestinians have been sentenced over the past three years to different jail terms on the ground of incitement on social media, he charged.

Some others were placed under house arrest and denied from using social media platforms, he continued.

Al-Ashqar strongly condemned such arrests that “clearly violate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the European Convention of Human Rights.”

He concluded by calling on the international community to protect the Palestinian people’s right of freedom of expression.






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This study is important because it raises questions about drinking water standards. This study was referenced in Living Downstream by Sandra Steingraber

The exhaled breath of people who had recently showered contained elevated levels of volatile organic compounds. In fact, a ten-minute shower or a thirty minute bath contributed to a greater internal dose of these volatile compounds than drinking half a gallon of tap water. Showering in an enclosed stall appears to be contribute to the greatest dose, probably because of the inhalation of steam.

The particular route of exposure profoundly affects the biological course of the contaminant within the body. The water that we drink and use in cooking passes through the liver first and is metabolized before entering the bloodstream. A dose received from bathing is dispersed to many different organs before it reaches the liver. The relative hazards of each pathway depend on the biological activity of the contaminant and its metabolic breakdown product, as well as on the relative sensitivity of the various tissues exposed along the way.

The bathing studies raise additional questions about drinking water standards. Once again, we see how narrow the purview of these regulations is. The environmental scientists Clifford Weisel and Wan-Kuen Jo, the authors of the 1996 study, pointedly explained:

Traditional approaches for evaluating exposure to and adverse health effects from contaminants in tap water have assumed that ingestion is the major route of exposure….Furthermore, the ingestion of two liters of water has been used to estimate the health risk associated with waterborne chemical contaminants and the establishment of drinking water standards without quantifying the doses received from other routes. This practice can lead to an underestimation of the potential health risk.

page 198

Living Downstream by Sandra Steingraber

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